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Release Date: June 05, 2017 Click:2191 Source:UOU News Center

Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism: the breakthrough point of understanding

Chinese traditional culture

  China's traditional culture has a long history. As early as the Qin Dynasty, there was a flourishing scene of contention of a hundred schools of thought. After the Han Dynasty, Taoism and Confucianism in all classes of authors in talent shows itself coexist with Buddhism. After two thousand years of development, Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism have become an important part of Chinese traditional ideology and culture.
  Confucianism and Buddhism has aided the king, educate people in the social and cultural functions. Buddhism was born in ancient India. In the Han Dynasty, when it was introduced into the mainland of China through the western regions, it was in a complex relationship of conflicting and merging with Confucianism and Taoism as the main representatives. Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism develop in the process of integration, and influence the appearance and development direction of Chinese traditional culture to some extent. Therefore, the relationship between Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism is an important breakthrough point to understand Chinese traditional culture.
  Chinese traditional ideology and culture are essentially a kind of knowledge about human beings, and traditional Chinese religions aim at the stability, harmony and happiness of society. Although the Emperor Gods superior but it is an important force, protect the life of happiness. Although many schools of thought in China have different views, they attach importance to the people and life of this world. This is reflected in philosophy, is the subject of human value and the real life certainly, just hold on the value orientation of different people and the way to achieve the different views, so as to constitute a rich life China traditional thought of philosophy. Emphasizing the origin of "without me", as life is a misery and is committed to the pursuit of unconventional reincarnation India Buddhism spread to Chinese, finally by "everyone has the Buddha nature" has been widely circulated, prominent subject, self publicity has become the most typical China Zen Buddhism, this transformation is the realization of interaction between Buddhism and Confucianism, in the road. The relationship between the three as the starting point, China traditional culture and humanistic qualities to clarify, Buddhism Confucianism and Taoism with the context of integration and development to be present.