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Release Date: June 02, 2017 Click:1982 Source:UOU News Center
Feeling the speech charm of famous American University Presidents

  For students, listening to the speeches of university presidents can not only be in close touch with the University's key figures, but also can be replaced by any other person or any form of education in the university. In particular, the commencement ceremony and graduation ceremony, the president's speech became the first lesson of college freshmen and the final lesson of university graduates out of school. "University Spirit: a famous American university presidents speeches" Sui Ivan editor of Education Science Press
  In the United States, President of the university about the educational goal and idea on management and other important ideas expressed, often appear in the opening ceremony, some important academic activities, social activities and school graduation ceremony speech. The publication of the book "the soul of a university" is intended to provide a reflection and reference for Chinese universities.
  ·Sui, Ivan
  Went to school season once a year, millions of students from senior high school, came to mind is dependent or university, many principals will also study the students speech. In recent years, some schools, principals Chinese painstaking deliberation, published outlook on students growth outlook expectations, review of the history of development of the school in this important moment. The speech was full of the heart and all of his personality, culture, management strategy, etc..
  Behind an outstanding university, there are a number of outstanding presidents who link the past and the future. So, in the United States, it is widely held that the arrival of a new president often means the beginning of a new era for the university. The reason is very simple, the president presided as chief executive of the University, they are not only the chief executive officer of the University, but also the soul of the University, they represent the spirit of the University and decide the development direction of college.
The United States has a strong system of higher education, which benefited from the history of American higher education outstanding university president be too numerous to enumerate as they claim, Enmi Zhuoki, be not of the common sort of education educational philosophy, management ability, and Superman bold reforms to the popularity and appeal, not only brings vitality to their own in charge of the University, also start the trend for the reform of American universities. Therefore, university presidents must have independent educational ideas, management concepts and innovative thinking. Ideas can change the course of history. It is because of new ideas that new principals are likely to bring universities into a new era.
  In the United States, the expression of University Presidents' important ideas and ideas is often present in lectures, graduations, and other important academic activities and social activities. We edit "university spirit" is a Book of the purpose is to Chinese University, university teachers and students, provide a thinking and reference, look at the other side of the ocean, the school principal of the United States exactly what was said, why do they say, they want to how to achieve the educational goal, what is the inspiration and reference for us.
  The university is the human society reservoir knowledge, spread the truth of knowledge and learning, is really good for us young people worship the University School house. In this university organization full of knowledge, awe, truth, and truth, the position of headmaster is sacred and noble, and the headmaster is the core of the university. However, although the legitimacy of the exercise of authority from the post of president, but he is effective authority from his profound knowledge and noble personality set up is Wei stephen. University President's speech is, in a sense, a comprehensive display of knowledge, ability, thought, personality and other qualities. Your profound or shallow thinking, your knowledge or lack of knowledge of lack of knowledge, you are noble or vulgar interests, you are the visionary or quick success, and so on, it is your long-term cultivation and accumulation, not a little while the hurry, you will naturally in the speech, to hide to cheat.
  The speech is not a general conversation, is president of the University and expression in the face of teachers and students fully reflect the theoretical level and depth of thinking, personality character, which is related to the image and prestige, but also related to the University's image and social reputation. In fact, the university president stood in the face of teachers and students even do not speak, the inner sincerity and wisdom, foreign elegance, charity, it already had a role in education.
  The university president's speech is a rational reflection on the basic issues of his university values, the expression of his university ideal, and the declaration of the president's ambitious ambition of running a school and managing a university. A shake, can inspire people to promote the concept and current situation of college history, the university to change the speech, the university is sensitive to the direction of full investigation and Study on the problem of University, make a far-reaching plan for the future of the University, full of courage and boldness of University governance.
  As the only 30 year old Robert Maynard Huggins took over in 1929, after the president of the University of Chicago, in the first year made 64 public speeches, which is almost unprecedented in the history of American education. His speeches not only changed the educational concepts and ways of thinking within the University, but also made the teachers and students realize the significance and value of the reform of the University, and expanded the social influence of University of Chicago at the same time. Because of the mass media on the University of Chicago reform plan of great concern and extensive social participation, the significance of Huggins's reform plan will soon surpass the University of Chicago itself, and become a strong driving force for the reform of university education throughout the United states.
  For students, listening to the speech of the president of the university can not only be in close contact with the University's key figures, but also can not be replaced by any other person or any form of education in the university. In particular, the commencement ceremony and graduation ceremony, the president's speech became the first lesson of college freshmen and the final lesson of university graduates out of school. On the opening ceremony of the new university graduates on graduation and look forward to look forward to, its purpose lies in: in the university life for the starting or ending of the moment, listening to the elderly, set wise, moral teacher and leader in one of the principal teachings. And these words, for those who study, inspirational, upward, social role as the ideal student, the president's speech will have lifelong impact. The significance of the speech is not only through this form, it gives college students a complete sense of university life, but also lies in the dignity of knowledge, the dignity of the degree and the dignity of the institution. In the United States, the University's opening ceremony and graduation ceremony are highly valued by the school, and its purpose lies in this.
  University of California at Berkeley President Bergno from University of Toronto in Canada on President Berkeley, as the competition to the post of president of the Canadian, he is a university leadership experience is also quite accomplished physicist, he said in a speech in the speech is impressive: congratulations to everyone received a university degree, the other is not but a university degree from University of California at Berkeley. From this day on, we welcome students to join the about 400000 alumni team at Berkeley university. He reminded about ten thousand students in the graduation to remember Berkeley, as a public university has the effect, we have more than the Ivy League university family income below $35 thousand undergraduate proud. "This is a great achievement," he said. "It is more reflective of the characteristics of Berkeley university than any of the data.". He finally stressed to graduates: University of California at Berkeley education represents "honor and privilege", this "privilege" means responsibility. It is your duty to repay your wisdom and everything you have learned to society.
  Lenovo to some of our university president, was not aware of the opening ceremony is the first time the content displayed on the new school, the graduation ceremony is the last chance for education in the college experience of graduates, so in his speech at the ceremony, the lack of ideological beliefs, responsibility and role selection, or the commencement speech as for their chance to perform, filled with words, to cater to the secular flashy without substance of mind, or to curry favour by claptrap humor, his commencement address at the careless attitude, which is not only his personal loss, it is lack of positive image of the university.
  From this speech corpus, we can find that the American university president not only pays attention to his speech opportunity every time, but also pays more attention to the topic and content of the speech. Their speech not only has a strong personality, a more soul to speak and inspire people to think about the wisdom of the problem, it is worth our university president seriously thinking.