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Release Date: January 28, 2021 Click:21154 Source:UOU News Center

Zhong Linfen

Name: Zhong Linfen Nationality:   China
Post: Visiting Professor  Specialty:  

Guo Xue, Yi Jing

  Zhong Linfen, original name: Zhong Chengjuan, pen name: Ke Miao, legal name: Zhong Yong Zhuoma. Born in June 1963 in Chengdu, Sichuan, China, he was fortunate to become a national cadre in September 1979. He retired from the Standing Committee of Qujing Municipal People's Congress in June 2018.
  For more than 30 years, he has been devoted to the study of Buddhism and Yi-ology in his spare time, a disciple of Tantric Buddhism.
  Yi-ology involves fields including: four-column and eight-character,

watch prediction, business card prediction, Feng Shui in Yangzhai. In particular, he has profound theories and unique insights on naming, and emphasizes that the power of sound is greater than the number. He is the author of the book "Sciences, Numbers and Names", interpreted the full text of "The Doctrine of the Mean" and published more than 30 papers.
  In November 2007, he served as the vice president of the International Yi Jing Cultural Federation and the president of the Yunnan branch.

  In June 2008, he served as the Deputy Secretary-General of Yunnan Chinese Zhou Yi Research Association.
  In April 2014, he served as the deputy dean of Feng Shui College of International Universe.

  In January 2018, he served as the director of Qujing Training Base of Beijing Qianyuan Guo Xue Academy.
  "Yi Guo Qihua" editorial board, "Yi-ology and Built Environment" textbook editor, "Yi Jing Publication" invited expert consultant.
  Over the years, he has won: "Chinese Name Culture Communication Contribution Award", "Innovative Person in Contemporary Chinese Yi-ology Theory Research", "Master of International Name Science Application", "Yi-ology Elite", "Famous Named Planner", "Famous Feng Shui planner", "Yi-ology tutor" title, the team has won the "Yi-ology field navigation team" title.
  Teacher Zhong Linfen’s deeds have been compiled into the first domestic "Chinese Yi-ology Masters", "Yi Guo Qihua", "Chinese Traditional Culture Masters·Yi-ology Volume", "Chinese Contemporary Outstanding Guo Xue Expert List" and many other large In the dictionary.